An ergonomic evaluation of the usability and safety of pedestrian routes: the pedestrian island Mercanti-Cordusio-Dante in the city of Milan (1999).
Following several accidents involving pedestrians right after the pedestrianisation of the area, and many requests for an improvement of mobility also of people with physical-perceptive disabilities, the Urban Furniture department of the Municipality of Milan has actively tried to improve the quality of some pedestrian routes.
Studio Steffan has therefore conducted a test of the usability of the pedestrian area at higher risk, with a specific test on via Mercanti; the preliminary survey has been conducted according to the ergonomical methodology, through observations of the passer-bys (the final users).
After the elaboration of the gathered data, some devices have been identified, that could highlight the height differences (that had been kept from the old traffic), and the devices have then been tested. |
The test has identified some critical points, from which we can highlight the need to remove the height differences (even small ones), and to establish action priorities. At present the suggested actions have been realised in all critical points.
The project has been illustrated in several conferences, among which: “Quality of the environment: usability and safety of urban pedestrian routes”, VIII SIE National Conference: " Ergonomics between innovation and planning, working systems and life styles ", Milan, 9 - 10 February 2006, available in the Conference papers; and publications:
Steffan I., "Ergonomical quality of the environment: usability and safety of urban pedestrian routes ", in: Tosi F. Ergonomia e progetto (Ergonomics and planning), Franco Angeli, Milan 2006 (pages. 157-160). |