Regeneration of the train station of Cremona. The project got Third place (2007).
The participation to the competition has been developed in the framework of a planning group: arch. Vittorio Gregotti (group leader) - Gregotti Associati International S.p.A., Centro Studi Traffico s.a.s., arch. Alberto Faliva.
The participation mainly consisted in studying the pedestrian and cycling mobility, together with CST: the project foresees the creation of several protected pedestrian areas and a main road that connects the area of the station with the schools and the historical centre, thus creating a safe crossing through a highly trafficked road.
A specific focus has been put over pedestrian flows and their relation with the existing functions, vehicle flows and cycling routes. The routes taken by those students coming from other cities each day have been analysed, using video footages taken during peak hours in the area of the train station and of the terminus of suburban buses.
The critical point was undoubtedly the crossing of Via Dante and Viale Trento e Trieste: the study has highlighted a strong commuting flow of students that each day go from the station and the bus terminus towards Via Palestro and the northern side of Via Dante, and vice versa.
The project solution that has been taken forward in order to regenerate the areas surrounding the train station of Cremona has the main aim of making the various interchange functions more rational, thus reducing and simplifying pedestrian and vehicle routes and trying to solve the problems related to road safety, especially when crossing the main road.
The pedestrian areas that have been proposed go from the train station – that is all a pedestrian area – up to the intersection with via Trento e Trieste. In this street, the proposal is to create a Limited Traffic Zone that could practically connect the new pedestrian area with the historical centre of the city.
All those coming from level -6 but also from the various parking levels, are conveyed either directly to the train station or to the new station square; from here, one can take the new pedestrian subway of via Dante thus reaching the city centre.
Once exiting the subway, on the other side of via Dante, one can proceed through a wide open route along via Palestro, a pathway that splits in two parts at the intersection with via Trento e Trieste, thus creating a bastion in between the two new pathways. In this space, it is foreseen the construction of a paved and terraced square, with benches and trees that can foster stopping by. The pathways of the subway are planned with a slope that complies with the law for the elimination of architectural barriers and with features of high accessibility.
Pedestrian and vehicle flows ›