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Intellectual property statement |
Studio Steffan undertakes to guarantee that all information presented on this website are correct and reliable. However, this information could include mistakes or be not entirely accurate. Therefore, the information published on this website is supplied without explicit or implicit guarantee of any sort.
Studio Steffan is not responsible for any damage, be it partial or total, direct or in direct, connected to the use of the information presented on this website.
Studio Steffan reserves the right to change and/or improve the content and structure of this website without prior notice and at any time.
All trademarks and names that appear on the website are property of Studio Steffan, or of the respective owners that are specifically identified for each single content. Any use of logos and images by third parties is explicitly forbidden, unless allowed by a direct and specific agreement.
Intellectual property
All information, data and documents within this website are a product of the professional activity of Studio Steffan and are, therefore, under the protection of the law governing intellectual property rights.
Studio Steffan allows reproduction and circulation of the contents of the website provided the source is clearly indicated - Studio Steffan, Milan, www.studiosteffan.it – and provided that any commercial use is excluded.
Isabella Tiziana Steffan, Architetto | Certified Professional Ergonomist (Eur-Erg)
Via G. C. Procaccini, 69 | 20154 Milano | T./F. +39.02.33609708 | info@studiosteffan.it | Privacy |