An ergonomic approach for the evaluation of the usability and safety of urban pedestrian spaces: the new Gramsci square at Cinisello Balsamo-MI (2004).
Since many accidents involving pedestrians had been reported in the new part of the square, that had been built with homogeneous materials (project by D. Perrault, winner o fan International competition), the Public Works department of Cinisello Balsamo has taken the lead in order to guarantee a higher quality and safety of the above mentioned public spaces, during the last phase of the road works.
Studio Steffan has evaluated the state-of-the-art of the works, in terms of compliancy of the works to the existing law on accessibility and safety, with a specific focus on weak users. Some useful – and in some cases priority – measures have been identified, that need to be adopted in order to improve the perception of obstacles and gaps within the square, as well as safety in general. |
In particular, the realisation of chromatic contrasts in the paving, with a specific treatment of the Carrara marble, and the addition of some parapets with adequate features, has allowed for the opening of the square to the general public in a short period of time.
The project has been illustrated in several articles and conferences, among which: “Pedestrian mobility of weak users”, in Strade&Autostrade no. 2 March/April 2007, Ed. EDI-CEM; “Mobility of weak users and urban ergonomics. New objectives for the project research” in Paesaggio urbano (Urban landscape) no.1/2008, Ed. Maggioli; “Quality of the environment: usability and safety of urban pedestrian routes”, VIII SIE National Conference: "Ergonomics between innovation and planning, working systems and life styles", Milan, 9 - 10 February 2006, available in the Conference papers.
Conference papers of the VIII SIE National Conference ›