International architecture competition for the city of Milan. Regeneration of the Policlinico Hospital of Milan. Among the 10 projects that were selected (2007).
The participation to the competition “Regeneration of the area of the Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Mangiagalli and Regina Elena Hospitals of Milan – Multiple shapes for health places has been developed in the framework of an international planning group: Ing.Dino Bonadies (Capogruppo) - RPA srl Perugia, Henning Larsen Architects A/S; Progettisti Associati Tecnarc srl; Tecnicaer Engineering srl; Studio Rossi; Studio Cecchi&Lima Architetti Associati; Studio Elisabetta Serri; Prof. Antonio Pagano, Dott. Antonio Odasso.
The consultancy mainly focussed on the relation with the city and green areas; the main features of the project include wide green areas and a mainly pedestrian pathway, that crossed over the whole hospital area and gives access to all existing buildings and at the same time is a pleasant, safe and widely usable public space.
When planning a hospital, the main focus should be the patient. The physical and psychological environment has to be reassuring and comfortable: for the patient but also for employees and visitors.
The relation between the City and the Hospital is the main challenge, since there is the need to manage hospital functions at a high technological level that are located in a densely populated urban area. In order to really benefit from this environment, it is necessary to manage with great attention other aspects relating to the concept of “urban density”: the historical environment, the inclusion of the necessary logistic and technological systems and the traffic problems: public transports, private transports, emergency, parking spaces, pedestrian access.
In this environment, the park becomes vital. The park is the place where the ”outside” meets the ”inside”; where public spaces and the urban environment relate to the Hospital and where patients, employees and visitors relate with the surrounding social and cultural environment.
An open and changeable pathway, which is mainly pedestrian, leads to the hospital area, which is green and surrounded also by many plants and trees, and gives access to all the existing and new buildings and at the same time is a public space where it is possible to just “hang around” or enjoy the good weather, or one that a person can simply cross.
The park, with its variety of paved and planted pathways, ties the various buildings and becomes an important element of the new identity of the Hospital.
Two side roads run along the perimeter of the area and reach all the building, thus giving a controlled access to all service vehicles, and also to taxis and ambulances. Therefore, the central pedestrian pathway is totally car-free, and access to the park is only occasionally given, for emergency situations.
The entrances to the new buildings can be easily spotted from each side of the two park entrances, and also from inside the hospital area (via F. Sforza and via della Commenda) and this ensures the system is easy to understand.
The plan ›